Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Insanity Of DUI Laws

As we all know there are those annoying traffic laws out there. Run a stop sign or red light, or make a u-turn when you weren't supposed to and you get a ticket for $100 or so. Yes I know we need these laws to keep everything in order on our streets. But what if you did this after 2 beers? Did you know that now you may lose $10,000 instead of $100? You may also lose your license for 1, 5, or 10 years and go to jail. Sound crazy? Well it is, and it is happening on the streets you drive each day. The dui precedent of 0.08 is about 2-3 beers in the average adult. Do you feel drunk after a couple? I don't feel anything and I know that my driving isn't impaired. But somehow the law feels they have the right to throw you in jail, load you up with fines, lawyer fees, treatment, and jail time. I don't know about you, but I thought we live in a free country, with laws that make sense. I guess me and the other millions of Americans who have been robbed by our legal system were wrong. If anyone would like to explain the other side, feel free to do so.

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