Friday, January 2, 2009


Welcome to my blog. Have you or anyone you know been the victim of a dui? Ever lost $10,000 + because you had a couple of beers after work, and were then pulled over for a minor traffic violation? Even though you weren't drunk, you are then taken away in a police car and thrown in jail? Sound familiar? What a scam our legal system is pulling on our already struggling middle class. Forget about the mortage, credit crisis affecting hard working Americans. The bigger and more frightening problem is on the streets you drive each day. Please post your experiences and maybe together we can get some answers as to why we are being robbed.

1 comment:

  1. The scam is that all that money is going to the lawyers and putting money into the pockets of the business owners for the "classes" they force you to take. The rich get richer!


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